Getting Started Guide

Getting Started Guide

Welcome! My name is Will Buckley. I am a proud member of Savings Highway Global (SHG) and this site is designed to help YOU get started with our Team at Savings Highway Global.

This site is available, free of charge, to everyone in our downline.

We use two methods to generate leads and new members for SHG.

The first place we focus is on the training inside the Funnel Team site which is all setup for you … just add your ID and get traffic. The site shows you, step by step, how to setup TikTok, FB and YouTube to post daily short videos. The system is completely free.

The second place we focus is on building your own list and creating a funnel to direct your subscribers to the Funnel Team landing page. Much like the Funnel Team pages! For this method, you will need to be a member of Leads Leap which includes a highly responsive auto-responder. The price is very reasonable at just $27 per month. If you follow our system, you will generate new members in Leads Leap too by using this Blog that we will create for you. Using Leads Leap and building your list this way is optional and highly recommended!

You can easily build a good team in SHG by following the Funnel Team training, by adding the Leads Leap funnel, you are doubling your efforts and your results!

  • Step 1:  Register as a Savings Highway Global (SHG) Member (already a member? go directly to step 2)
  • Step 2: Register with The Funnel Team (Our Upline Team Training)
  • Step 3: Register with Leads Leap
  • Step 4:  Create our Team Funnel
  • Step 5: Get Traffic to Your Capture Page

So let’s get started with Step one – if you are already a member of Savings Highway Global, congratulations, you can go directly to Step 2!

Step 1:  Register as a Savings Highway Global (SHG) Member

If you are a guest here and you have not yet joined SHG, it’s the first thing you will want to do.

When joining, it will make everything simpler if you create your username and sitename the same. Please keep that in mind when joining.

Click Here to Join With Will Buckley

Once registered, and confirmed, you will want to login and setup your Profile with SHG.

Then return here for Step 2 – this is where the fun begins!

Step 2: Register with The Funnel Team (Our Upline Team Training)

The Funnel Team is lead by Daniel Kump and Kyrsti Snyder. They walk you through, step by step, on a simple process to get free traffic to your website.

We recommend that you register and set aside time to do their training and learn how to setup TikTock, FB Reels, Instagram and Youtube Reels. It’s SO simple, you will wonder how you never thought of it. They give you EVERYTHING you need, no thinking required, just do what they say.

If you are a Platinum or Titanium member, you will get access to the Team Rotator which will drive more free traffic to your site! So many benefits, BUT let’s stay focused and get done what needs to get done and move on.

  1. Register
  2. Go through the training
  3. Setup your programs
  4. Start that process
  5. Schedule your daily activities for this process this daily process will drive traffic to your Funnel Team APP on your phone!

Move on to Step 3 and discover a simple strategy to build YOUR list of subscribers while taking advantage of the Funnel Team training!

Contact Your SHG Sponsor to Register with The Funnel Team

Step 3: Register with Leads Leap 

LeadsLeap is an “all inclusive” system that provides you with a very responsive email auto-responder along with some good quality traffic. As a Pro member, the benefits far outweigh the costs of membership.

So How Does This Work?

What we are doing is creating a “funnel” where YOU are capturing the leads to your own list where they will receive an email series from you with your links. You can also email this list anytime you wish, individually, or as a broadcast.

The “funnel” we are creating consists of a Capture Page that leads to a “Landing Page” where the visitor will learn more about our Team and the Program. Visitors are invited to click a link which leads them to your Funnel Team Landing page with a video explaining the Copy and Paste System.

Once your system is setup, you will use the Capture Page on Viral Mailers and other forms of online marketing. This will begin the list building process and offer you another way to get Signups into Savings Highway Global.

Register with LeadsLeap

Click below to get your Free account. With your Free account, you gain full access to the system and the auto-responder, however, there are some limitations. Free members do not have the access to use the Share Codes. As a free member, you are on your own to create a Capture Page and Landing Page.

Click Here to Register with Leads Leap

We highly recommend that you upgrade at LeadsLeap. While you can use the entire system as a Free member, the benefits of upgrading far outweigh the costs. As an upgraded member, you will be able to use the share codes provided below to setup your own funnel to capture your own leads and direct them to the Funnel Team site to learn about SHG.

The Get More Signups Funnel consists of an auto-responder series, capture page and landing page or bridge page.

The Capture Page captures your visitors Name, email and Phone number and your new subscriber is added to your Campaign for SHG. Once they confirm their email address, they will begin receive the series of emails that are setup.

When your visitor subscribes on your Capture Page, they are immediately redirected to the Landing or Bridge Page.

This page describes a little about you, includes your contact information and talks briefly about SHG. Visitors are encouraged to click a link that directs them to the Funnel Team Landing Page that includes a video about the team and SHG. Visitors on this page are encouraged to and can signup in Savings Highway Global.

Step 4: Create our Team Funnel

As an upgraded member, you can use our share codes to easily setup your Auto-Responder series, Capture Page and Landing page. As a free member of LeadsLeap, you will need to create the Auto-Responder Emails and create the pages using their Page builder. As mentioned earlier, the upgrade is worth it as it includes Pro advertising on their site which, once setup, will bring in steady leads.

Let’s setup the Auto-Responder Campaign.

Click on List Manager

Click on Add a New List

Name your new List SHG Funnel Team or something similar, click Add Now.

Your new list is not yet activated, you can activate it now or wait until your messages are setup and edited.

Click on the Setup Email Series Tab

Click on Import and Enter Share Code ~ list-eGVVGNYVZGu

Check on Add on to Existing Episodes

Check on Include Welcome Email

Click Import Now

Now you will need to edit each email, including the Welcome email, with your Link to the Funnel Team Page [] and your personal details.

REMINDER: You must have your account setup with The Funnel Team in order for the Funnel Team Page to work for you.

As a final step, you must ACTIVATE your auto-responder campaign!

You are now ready to create your Landing Page and Capture Page. We build the landing page first so that we can connect the Capture page to it as a redirect.

Here is what the Landing Page looks like:

Under Page Builder click on Page Manager

Click on Add a New Page

Call it SHG Landing Page

Click on Add a New Page to Start

This is where you will add the Share Code

Under Import Using Share Code add code: page-aHbRwHX

Click Import Now

Click Launch Editor

You will need to replace the picture with your picture, replace the Name and contact information with yours and replace the username in the Links to your Funnel Team username.  The links redirect to the Funnel Team Landing page.

When complete, click SAVE!

Now you are ready to create your Capture Page

This is what the Capture Page looks like:


Click on Add a New Page

Call it SHG Capture Page

Click on Add a New Page to Start

This is where you will add the Share Code

Under Import Using Share Code add code: page-akRfVwTGM

Click Import Now

Click Launch Editor

You will need to select your SendSteed list that you created for SHG as well, you will want to change the name on the optin page.

Click on the List on the left menu:

Where it says Enter List ID, click Get List ID and choose your List you created for SHG. Under the Redirect URL area, click on Get Page and select your SHG Landing Page. Click Close

On the main page click on the Box with my name and enter YOUR name.

Click Save when complete

You are now ready to TEST your funnel.

Load your new capture page into your browser, fill out the form and follow it through. Make sure all the information is correct.

Check your inbox for your confirmation email, confirm your email address and check your follow up message.

You are now ready to advertise your new SHG Capture Page.

You can use your new capture page with your Reels and Videos. If you created a redirect via the training site, you can redirect your domain to your new capture page.


Please visit our Resources Page for recommended advertising resources.

Anti-Racism Resources


Discover List Building Strategies at CLB Learning

If you are unfamiliar with the concept of List Building with a Capture Page and Auto-Responder, you can learn these basic skills at CLB Learning with Janet Legere, creator of this site. CLB and SHG are a match made in heaven!